… And I Let Him Live

Remember that I was supposed to get up early to get to Lawrencetown Beach for a 7 a.m. birding walk? Well, I was up early alright… 4:15!!! DH accidentally set the alarm for 4:15 a.m…. no more sleep for me… back to sawing logs for DH!  Thus the title of this post!!

Anyway… sucking up my bitterness…. it was a beautiful morning.. so calm with every shorebird showing a perfect reflection in the water. I saw my first Wilson’s Warbler in N.S this year and we saw a Sora Rail in a tree or actually alders but an amazing place to see a Rail!! They are usually hiding in the reeds and only come out for short photo ops.


There he/she is trying to hide from us. Amazing sight for everyone!


Semipalmated Plover and Reflection


Yellowlegs… have no idea why it is called this… heehee.

I got home around noon and made a massaged kale salad for lunch. Yep, that kale is one uptight, tough green that is in great need of massage with olive oil and sea salt!


Kale, blueberries, black berries (DH picked this a.m.. good job I let him live!), dried cranberries, almonds, balsamic vinegar.. seaweed was put on after I put salad on plates.. yep, seaweed.. better than it sounds.. .really.. honest… cross my heart.

The afternoon found me doing long overdue housework. I tried to stay in the moment and not wish I was doing something else on this gorgeous afternoon … varying degrees of success. I love the expression: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

My bed is calling to me….wondering where I have been since 4:30 a.m.!

Pura Vida